Friday November 18th

Registration and Breakfast 8:30-9:00 a.m. (Seagal 1410)
Opening Remarks 9:00-9:30 (Seagal 1410)Evodoxis Doxiadis
Session A 9:30-11:00 a.m.
Panel 1: Marriage and Inheritance Law in the Ottoman Empire and Modern Turkey
(Seagal 1400)

Chair: Evodoxis Doxiadis

Evgenia Kermeli, “The binding force of words: Establishing proof in the oral procedures of Islamic divorce and inheritance”

Başak Derinel, “Juridical Romanization in Turkey and Its Impact on Gender Dynamics” 

Ivelina Masheva, “Orthodox Christian women and hereditary laws in Ottoman Bulgaria (1840 to 1870)” [Via Zoom]
Panel 2: Witchcraft and Infanticide in Early Modern Courts
(Seagal 1410)

Chair: Elizabeth Cohen

Sara Beam, “Early Modern Infanticide Laws and the Will to Execute”

Aaron Larsen, “Death Sentences as Spatial Archives: The Witch Trials of Zug, Switzerland and the Reconstruction of a Woman’s World through Archival Source Mapping”

Liv Helen Willumsen, “The Devil into the Laws: Demonological Ideas Impact on Gender in Witchcraft Trials in Denmark, Scotland and Finnmark, Norway”
Coffee Break 11-11:30 a.m. (Seagal 1410)
Session B 11:30 a.m.- 1 p.m.

Panel 3: Ottoman Legacies and Modern States
(Seagal 1400)

Chair: Thomas Kuehn

Evdoxis Doxiadis, “Islamic Law and the Modern Greek State in the 19th century”

Ninja Bumann, “Gendered Agency in Habsburg Sharia Courts. Marriage and Divorce in Bosnia and Herzegovina (1878-1918)”

Nina Kršljanin, “Gender in the Serbian Civil Code: Between Ottoman Legacy and Western Influences” (Via Zoom)
Panel 4: Case Studies in the early modern Tyrol and Augsburg
(Seagal 1410)

Chair: Allyson M. Poska

Margareth Lanzinger, “A dowry system in Southern Tyrol? Gender-related implications in a transitional space”

Siglinde Clementi, “Transregional marriages. Legal norms and social practices in a territory of transition. The case of Tyrolean nobility in the early modern period”

Regina Schäfer, “Women and law culture in a German town in the 15th century: the example of Augsburg”
Lunch Break 1:00-2:30 p.m.
Session C 2:30-4:00 p.m.
Panel 5: Family Law in the Iberian World
(Seagal 1400)

Chair: Nicolas Kenny

Allyson M. Poska, “Mother, Widow, Wife: Jurisprudence, Legal Identities, and Female Agency in the Spanish Empire”

Nere Jone Intxaustegi Jauregi, “Civil Law in Early Modern Biscay: when women and men were equal” 

Alexandra Guerson and Dana Wessell Lightfoot, “Legal Pluralism, Marriage, and Conversion in late medieval Girona” 
Panel 6: Colonial legal regimes in New York, India, and the Ionian Islands 
(Seagal 1410)

Chair: Roxanne Panchasi

Christine Walker, “ ‘Never borrowed a shilling’: Gender, Honor, and West Indian Slavery in Colonial New York “

Subhasree Ghosh, “The Rule of Law and the Role of Law: Colonial Administration and Social Norms in Nineteenth-Century India” 

Sakis Gekas, “Law and colonialism. The Ionian Islands Civil Code and gender dynamics (1815 to 1864); property, dowry, divorce” 
Coffee Break 4:00-4:30 (Seagal 1410)
Keynote 1 4:30-6:00 p.m. (Labatt Hall 1700)

Julie Hardwick “Legal intimacies: where the law was – and wasn’t – in early modern women’s reproductive lives”
Chair: John Christopoulos
Reception 6:00-7:00 p.m.Seagal 1420

Saturday November 19th

Registration and Breakfast 9:00-9:30 a.m. (Seagal 1410)
Keynote 2: 9:30-11:00 a.m. (Labatt Hall 1710)
Michelle Armstrong-Partida ,“Gender,
Concubinage & a Shared Sexual Culture in the Late Medieval Mediterranean”
Chair: Dana Wessell Lightfoot
Coffee Break 11:00-11:30 a.m. (Seagal 1410)
Session D 11:30-1:00 p.m.
Panel 7: Gender and Law in the Americas
(Seagal 1400)

Chair: Bill French

Jennifer Spear, “Navigating Changing Legal Regimes: Free Women of Color in New Orleans in the Era of the Louisiana Purchase”

Ellinor Forster, “The Influence of European Models of Marital Law in the Public Discussions of Legal Reform in the United States ca. 1900”

Sara L Kimble,“From the margins to the center: Exchanges on law, gender, and jury service between France and the American West, 1870 to 1900” 

Marion Röwekamp,“Adoption of European legal codes and global legal ideas in Mexico´s family law and family law reform in the 19th and 20th century”
Panel 8: Women, Crime and Violence
(Seagal 1410)

Chair: David Mirhady

Ida Ferrero, “Women’s liability and the Scuola positiva of criminal law in Italy and Japan”

Tim Stretton, “Domestic Violence and English Common Law 1500-1800”

Elizabeth Cohen, “Working Class Women and Criminal Justice in Rome circa 1600”
Lunch 1:00-2:30 p.m.
Session E 2:30-3:30 p.m.
Panel 9: The 16th century and Reform
(Seagal 1400)

Chair: Alexandra Guerson

Paolo Astorri, “Parental Authority, Privacy, and the Reformation of Marriage” 

Thomas Cohen, “A Deaf Mute Woman Makes a Will: (Rome 1590)”
Panel 10: Law, gender, and the economy
(Seagal 1410)

Chair: Evodoxis Doxiadis

Susanna Kallio, “The Feminist Issue of Fan Fiction as Copyright Exception”

Mirela Krešić, “In Pursuit of Economic Emancipation: the Lady of the House or the Servant?”
Coffee Break 3:30-4:00 p.m. (Seagal 1410)
Concluding Remarks and General Meeting 4:00-5:30 p.m. (Seagal 1410)